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    Remembering 3 Former Pastors

    05.12.17 | Heartbeat | by Lisa Severson

    The New Hope Church family sadly experienced three former pastors passing away in 2016. Each one, Ken Meyer, Tom McDill and Steve Goold, was influential in leadership. All three left a sizable impact, not only on this church, but on the EFCA and...

      Jesus Sees

      04.17.17 | Disability, Story | by Kyle Davison Bair

      In Luke 13:10-17, Jesus sees a disabled woman during Sabbath worship. She had been disabled for nearly two decades, yet she still came to worship God. Most people ignored her. Jesus sees her. During the worship service, Jesus calls out to her.

        Alaska Family Ministry Trip

        12.19.16 | Global

        The Alaska ministry trip is geared particularly for families to serve together. Flexibility is key. You may be serving at a food bank, senior center or park ministry for children. Or you could be doing food preparation or prayer walking the...

          Make a New Start in Life Groups

          12.07.16 | Life Groups | by Pablo Cachon

          “We served in Sunday school for more than 25 years and never got plugged into a mini congregation and never got to know folks our own age. We quickly learned that there were many other couples in the same boat as us.” This is how one couple...
