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Children Welcome
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LG - Adult - C. Brown (Plymouth) - 1 open spots

When: Thursday, Evening

This is an adult life group meeting the first and third Monday of the month.

Group Details
LG - Adult - Hybrid - M. Yee (North Mpls.) - 7 open spots

When: Sunday, Evening

This is an adult Hybrid Life Group open to couples and singles that meets every Sunday at 12 noon.

Group Details
LG - Adult - J. Hoffman (Brooklyn Park) - 4 open spots

When: Monday, Evening

This is an adult Life Group open to couples and singles that meets every other Monday.

Group Details
LG - Adult - J. Wilson (Rotates) - 4 open spots

When: Saturday, Evening

We are meeting every other Saturday.

Group Details
LG - Adult - hybrid - R. Armstrong - (North Metro) - 7 open spots

When: Friday, Evening    Where: 3455 Vicksburg Lane Plymouth, MN 55447

We are a small group of single people, who value our time of community, digging into God's Word, and praying for each other. Our ages range from 39 to 77. We are mostly on a Zoom conference call, but also get together in-person. Some words that describe our group are we're peaceful, we have a strong faith, and we have a solid foundation. We do a Bible study on the 2nd and 4th Fridays, at 6pm.

Group Details
LG - Adult- J.Ingolfsland (Maple Grove) - 3 open spots

When: Thursday, Evening

We are a co-ed life group, ages approximately 25-early 40s, a mix of singles/ married/ families and meet at Jason and Ellen's home in Maple Grove on Thursday weekly at 7:30pm. We meet on a rotating schedule with two Thursdays/ month being entire group meetings, 1 Thursday/ month men-only, and 1 Thursday/ month women-only. We study a mix of books of the Bible and topical themes. We currently have openings for couples or single women.

Group Details
LG - Adults - T.Gabrielson (Plymouth) - 6 open spots

When: Sunday, Afternoon

This is a couples Life Group that meets weekly on Sundays.

Group Details
LG - Young Adults - H. McHone - 14 open spots

When: Thursday, Evening

This Life Group is geared towards Young Adults looking to grow in their walk with the Lord. Initially we will begin by going along with the Sermon notes and questions. As we grow, we desire to also dive into outside topics that are on the hearts of our group.

Group Details
Life Group-Español-Zavala (New Hope) - 4 open spots

When: Saturday, Afternoon

Life Groups- español-Sanchez (Brooklyn Center) - 2 open spots

When: Wednesday, Afternoon

Life Groups-español- Catarino(Maple Grove) - 4 open spots

When: Sunday, Afternoon