Elder Leadership

New Hope Church is led by an elected elder leadership team and the senior pastor. Pray for these men and their families as they prepare to lead our church family with wisdom and dependence on God for direction.

  • Matthew St. John, Senior Pastor
  • Derrick Grow
  • Don Herweyer
  • Jerry Hoffman
  • Gift Matemba-Mutasa
  • Ken McMillan
  • David Quon
  • Tony Ringsmuth
  • Chris Shedd
  • Jot Turner
  • Ken Wright
  • Michael Yee

2024 Congregational Leadership Voting Results


Minutes are published following monthly Elder Leadership Team meetings. Paper copies are available at the reception desk. Digital copies are posted on myNHC.

  • Log in to myNHC.
  • Go to Entire Church Group/Files.

Randi Soderstrom or 763-536-3235