Doing Life Together

It’s often easier to love God privately than to love flawed people. But at the heart of God’s purposes for us is a longing that we learn to give and receive love as richly as He does. Being part of a Life Group is a wonderful opportunity for us to do just that. As you read Jon's story, consider how a Life Group may be part of your story.
A few years back, after being part of an intensive Exponential 2.2 study group, I felt led to plug in more deeply in ministry. Several books were helpful in shaping my view of disciple-making and small groups, including Real-Life Discipleship by Jim Putman and the small group curriculum, Doing Life Together. My challenge was identifying the right fit in a system that didn’t yet exist. Along came Pastor Pablo and new life was breathed into our small group ministry.
It’s exciting to be part of a thriving group of Christ followers who earnestly seek the things of God. Like any group, there are things to work through. Scheduling and personality dynamics are part of the process. One of the biggest challenges is the most worthwhile—choosing service projects to do together.
Over the course of our short time together, our group has seen God at work in a lot of ways. We’ve supported one another through cancer, job losses, parenting challenges and marriage difficulties. Through these experiences I’ve been reminded that people are messy and life can be hard. The reassuring blessing of belonging to a Life Group is to know that you are not alone. You are surrounded by people who love you. There is always encouragement.
As we grow together in community, we’re better able to share each other’s burdens and joys. God is at work in our Life Group, building harmony and connection. Each time we meet we discover and learn a little more than the time before. If you're interested in learning more about available groups, visit the group finder or fill out the online registration.
Jon Speich (second from left) is facilitating his Life Group and looking to grow into a coaching role. He grew up at New Hope Church and moved away during college years. He and Dana married, starting having kids and returned in 1996.