Mohan's Story

In 2020, when New Hope Church began partnering with national evangelists, there were no known believers or churches among the Mangala people of India. None. Two years later, there are 2,000 believers and 28 churches out of roughly 2,500,000 Mangala people. Now a new tribe and tongue gathers around the throne (Revelation 7:9). We rejoice and give thanks to God. Here is a God story from the Mangala outreach.
Mohan travels from village to village to faithfully visit families and meet their spiritual needs. Many of the families work through the day so the best time to visit is later in the afternoon or evening. This involves walking and spending time away from his family. Sometimes he will actually sleep outside in the village because travel at night on the country roads can be dangerous. Sleeping outside in a village is also dangerous because snakes can bite those out of the protection of a home. In some villages, those who disagree with Mohan’s work are just looking for an opportunity to attack him when no one else is around.
Walking the country roads at night makes Mohan vulnerable to other problems and dangers. It is so dark that it can be easy to lose your way and take even more time to find his way home. He is at risk of being hit by a drivers who may not see him. At night many wild animals hunt and Mohan fears snakes, monkeys and even larger animals that may attack a lone traveler on foot. But it is not just danger or inconvenience that makes his situation difficult. The time it takes to walk from place to place means that Mohan is limited in the area he can cover and minister to. This slows down and limits the work that he can do.
The work of bringing the gospel among Mangala people is growing and many receive with joy the Word of God Mohan brings to them. In India many people use small, locally produced motorcycles to cover the distances between villages faster. Mohan could move more safely, more quickly and more regularly if he had a motorcycle. He and the other preachers are longing to serve as much and as quickly as they can.
Contact Global Outreach to learn more about the Mangala outreach and how you can help.
Chris Jones is the Global Outreach Director at New Hope Church. He longs for the unreached people of the world to experience the life-changing love of God and for people at New Hope Church to find fullness of joy by obeying the Great Commission.