Open Your Gifts

God is delighted for you to enjoy His gifts, but you may have forgotten about them. Like packages waiting under a Christmas tree, God’s gifts are free to open and enjoy. Unlike Christmas packages, God’s gifts are not always recognized. In the chaos of life, many end up ignored.
Long ago, King David wrote a song celebrating God’s gifts to His children. He sings “My soul, praise the Lord, and do not forget all His benefits” (Psalm 103:2).
God is far more eager to give than we are to receive. David sings that God “forgives all your sin” (Psalm 103:3). If we trust in Jesus, God removes everything separating us from Him. Why is God so eager to give this gift? Because He wants His family together. He’ll do anything to bring His kids back home.
Often we stop David’s song here, as though the gospel speaks only of forgiveness. But this is only the beginning. David continues singing that God “heals all your diseases” (Psalm 103:3). While sin separates us from God spiritually, it also seeps into every aspect of reality including our physical bodies. All sickness stems from the Fall. But, just as God desires to forgive our sins, He also desires to heal our bodies.
This does not mean that God heals every sickness here on earth, but He heals some. However, we can’t enjoy this gift if we won’t ask and open it up.
David then looks to eternity, singing God “redeems your life from the pit” (Psalm 103:4). Each of us once lived selfish lives doomed to hell, but God redeemed us. He opened heaven to His children, but we don’t have to wait to enjoy it. Eternal life begins here. God redeems our lives now, letting the echoes of eternity ring out through us—if you let them. If you obey God, the world sees the hope of heaven radiating through you.
What else does God give you? His very heart. “He crowns you with faithful love and compassion” (Psalm 103:4). God will always love you. As you draw near to Him day after day, you begin to bear the effects of His love. His love is as visible on your face as a crown on your head.
This is not a stingy God. As David exults, “He satisfies you with goodness” (Psalm 103:5). Pain and hardship come. But God gives grace in such abundance that you carry confident hope through every hardship. If you rely on Him to be your strength, He satisfies your soul with His goodness, such that you find fulfillment in Him in every circumstance.
Our Father in heaven lavishes the best gifts on His children. So trust Him, ask Him, obey Him, draw near to Him and rely on Him. He cannot wait for you to open these gifts!
Kyle Davison Bair is Prayer Ministries Pastor at New Hope Church. He has a passion for people to call on the name of Jesus for direction and seek an authentic culture of prayer in this church.