Our Hero Satisfies

"In plenty, in hardship, in transition, in waiting, Jesus satisfies. Because of Jesus’ redemption and resurrection our souls can be completely satisfied." A beautiful story from the life of New Hope Church global partner, Mindy Christensen.
Sixteen years ago, God sent me on a journey to East Asia that I knew had the potential to be long-term, but in my head I had set myself up for 1-2 years. I knew He had called me to live in a new land, learn a new language, and love a new people, but I didn’t think I could do it for too long. My fears of feeling lonely and inadequate were real. However, God spoke His truth into those fears, and 1-2 years turned into 14 years of life in a land I grew to love deeply. Jesus, my Hero, satisfied me. As an American, He filled me with grace to learn a new language and culture. As a single woman, He showed me daily that He is more than enough, and He blessed me with families who loved me as their own. As a teacher who was no longer teaching in the classroom, He gave me new skills and ministry opportunities that fulfilled me.
During those 14 years, I was satisfied in Christ. I saw Him strengthen relationships with East Asian Christians and their churches. In huge cities and in remote places I was able to teach, walk alongside, and encourage believers. He gave me the ability to disciple in my second language. Because of Christ, I didn’t just survive in my country of ministry; I thrived! My heart was full, and I couldn’t imagine living or serving Him anywhere else.
When it became clear that the political climate in East Asia was worsening and my time to leave my beloved country was approaching, I grasped for every reason to stay. I doubted if I was hearing from God correctly that it was time to go. How could I leave my national brothers and sisters in their time of need? After all we’ve been through together, will they feel like I’m abandoning them? I felt shame that my faith wasn’t strong enough and that I had chosen the easy route of leaving as persecution was ramping up. Begrudgingly, I followed God’s leading that made no sense to me. In July of 2019, I packed up my apartment and sold almost all of my belongings, I said good-bye to my dearest friends, and I closed a beautiful chapter of my life that God had authored. I felt every emotion BUT satisfied. I was completely dissatisfied.
It has been two years since the uprooting of my life and ministry in East Asia. For two years, I’ve lived in transition. For two years, I’ve haven’t had a home of my own, and I haven’t felt completely at home. However, our God is so very faithful, and the story He is writing isn’t done. I rejoice in telling you that He has healed my heart, and I will sing of His redemption all the days of my life! I am excitedly waiting for the day that I can move to my next cross-cultural ministry home in Kolkata, India. I am waiting for the day I can join my Indian colleagues and partner with them to reach unreached Hindus with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I’m not good at waiting. I miss living and serving cross-culturally, and I long for the day the doors to India will reopen.
But I am content to be here in Minnesota and serving at NHC right now while I wait because Jesus, my Hero, satisfies. In plenty, in hardship, in transition, in waiting, Jesus satisfies. Because of Jesus’ redemption and resurrection our souls can be completely satisfied.
Side note: Many times I have listened to the song, I Will Wait for You (Psalm 130). It is a great song on waiting and being satisfied in the process.
I will wait for You
On Your Word I will rely
I will wait for You
Surely wait for You
Til my soul is satisfied.