Prayer Resolution Training

08.29.17 | Heartbeat | by Kyle Davison Bair

Prayer Resolution Training

    My wife and I bought a home. For the first time, we’ll have no landlord to take care of mowing, plumbing, painting and fixing. As residents, we’re the ones available to take care of this new home. To do that, we’re going to need tools.

    Each of us is a home, a house, a temple. God Himself lives in us through His Spirit. As the one living in us, God is available to take care of us. To do that, He has given us tools.

    One of the great toolboxes God has provided to the New Hope Church family is called Prayer Resolution. This toolbox is filled with high quality tools that can accomplish the dirtiest of jobs. It has tools to deal with unforgiveness, even when the offense is so great that life will never be the same again. It has tools to deal with sexual sin and brokenness, including the things we’ve done and things that have been done to us. It has tools to deal with our own sense of worthiness (or lack thereof), as well as our struggles with reconciliation, authority and rebellion. It can even handle the lies spoken about us, the curses aimed at us and the judgments leveled against us.

    These tools are not toys. It takes time to learn how to use them well. Their power is not something you can toss around willy-nilly. But when you learn to use them, the work God can accomplish through them is absolutely staggering.

    One member of our church began picking up these tools a year ago. The forgiveness tool jumped out as the one most immediately needed. It seemed simple, requiring just a handful of steps. Yet, through His power, God transformed this person’s life. Offenses and wounds from decades past were suddenly able to be forgiven. The tool fixed wrongs that could never be made right. It didn’t undo the past, but it changed the future by removing the pain, bitterness and regret. In God’s hands, this tool set the person free. I know this story well because this person is me.

    To explore Prayer Resolution, start by making an appointment. If you've seen God bring healing in your life, you may want to invest in the lives of others by training for the Prayer Resolution Ministry. 

    Kyle Davison Bair is Prayer Ministries Pastor at New Hope Church. He has a passion for people to call on the name of Jesus for direction and seek an authentic culture of prayer in this church. 

    Learn more about Prayer Ministries.