Sexual Bondage

At one level, sexual sin is like every other sin since it creates a barrier between you and God. Yet this particular sin can hold you in bondage like few others. It releases feel-good chemicals swiftly, making it powerfully addictive. In many cases, it can fill you with shame, guilt or regret.
To begin breaking the stronghold of sexual sin, start with these steps:
Step 1: Confess & Ask Forgiveness
Any sexual activity outside of marriage falls short of God’s design, even if it’s merely in our thought life. Confess what you’ve chosen to do, agreeing with God that it was sinful. Ask God to forgive it all. He is faithful and just. He forgives and completely cleanses you as soon as you confess (1 John 1:9).
Important: If sexual actions were done to you that you did not choose, you do not have to ask forgiveness. It was not your fault and God can heal your pain.
Step 2: Forgive the Other Person
If another person was involved, choose to forgive them for their part. If you do not, bitterness toward them can continue to poison your life.
Step 3: Break the Bonds
Sexual activity binds people as one, whether the act is committed in person, in thought or through a digital device (Genesis 2:24, 1 Corinthians 6:16–17). To be free, ask God to break every inappropriate bond.
Physical: For God to sever connections resulting in inappropriate physical longing or sexual disgust.
Emotional: For God to sever all inappropriate emotional attachments and attractions.
Spiritual: For God to break the bond of oneness forged by sex outside of marriage.
Step 4: Seek God’s Truth About You
All sin binds us through deception. To break free, we need God’s truth. Immerse yourself in God’s Word. Highlight everything it says about who you are. Pray several verses daily. As you do, God can begin renewing your mind.
Begin with Ephesians 1:4–5 & 2:10, Romans 8:1–2, Colossians 1:14–15, Romans 8:35–39, 2 Timothy 1:7, John 1:12 & 15:5, Hebrews 4:16, 2 Corinthians 5:17 and John 3:16.
Contact Care Ministries for additional counseling and prayer support to break free from strongholds.
Kyle Davison Bair is Prayer Ministries Pastor at New Hope Church. He has a passion for people to call on the name of Jesus for direction and seek an authentic culture of prayer in this church.