
Your life is not about you. As soon as you realize this, your real life can begin. Jesus promised a greater life than we could ever imagine on our own. “I came that [you] may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10 ESV). “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him!” (1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT).
The greatest barrier to an abundant life is your own pride. If you believe yourself to be superior or inferior to others, you cut yourself off from God’s abundance. The heart of God’s abundance is love. Yet you cannot truly love those you view as inferior. Nor can you truly love if you view yourself as inferior. Love and scorn do not mix.
Abundant Life
Step 1: Love the Lord Your God
The more God becomes the center of your life, the less you are the center. Love the Lord your God with all your:
- Heart: Meditate on Scripture until it stirs your emotions up for your God.
- Soul: Let God satisfy you with His steadfast love, fulfilling your deepest desires.
- Mind: Fill your thoughts with God’s Word, seeking His wisdom and perspective.
- Strength: Choose to serve God with your actions, accomplishing His will.
As you continue to love God well, your life will begin to re-align.
Step 2: Love Others as Yourself—on an Equal Level
Love others as you love yourself. Love others as though they are equally as important as you, having equal dignity as you and equally as deserving as you.
Whatever you would have others do for you, do for them. If you’re thirsty, give them water first. If you’re hungry, feed them first. If you’re lonely, comfort them first. As you love others well, you draw nearer and nearer to the heart of God.
At first, this may require constant effort to remember to put others first. But as you continue, it becomes second nature, particularly as you see how much it improves your life and theirs. Jesus’ abundant life becomes captivating to you.
Contact Care Ministries for additional counseling and prayer support to break free from strongholds.
Kyle Davison Bair is Prayer Ministries Pastor at New Hope Church. He has a passion for people to call on the name of Jesus for direction and seek an authentic culture of prayer in this church.