They Only Spoke Lies

They only spoke lies, yet you said nothing
You just stood there and listened to their faithless lusting
They mocked you as you bled and died
Joyfully beating you till you were undignified
And here I sit, wondering who would take such a beating
Taking their hits, kicks, and lies with no signs of retreating
Then like a flash of lighting it was all so clear
It was me saying the lies, beating you in fear
Fear of you taking over the world that I know
In my jealousy I didn’t want you to steal the show
So I went and did what I had to do
No cost spared, gave everything just to kill you
See it was me that cracked the whip and me that drove the nails
Me that lied, me who made the cat-o-nine tails
But then you looked down at me with blood in your eyes
Patiently, lovingly, between your cries
You said, you are forgiven, I love you my son
I dropped to my knees, my God, what have I done?
But this was not the end
I left bewildered and distraught
I could do nothing, he consumed my thoughts
How could a man I’ve caused such pain
Look at me with love and not disdain?
After three days in the dark
I heard the news which stirred my heart
Could it be, this man was right?
He really did just win the fight?
The tomb was empty, the stone rolled away
The angel spoke, He is alive this day!
And despite Satan’s trickery
Jesus has won my victory
Pastor Jon Kimmel is the middle school pastor at New Hope Church. He has a passion for pointing students and families to Jesus and loves being the dad to two amazing daughters, the husband to one amazing wife and being outside whenever possible.