Traducción en español Wednesday, March 5–Good Friday, April 18 Pastor Matthew and the elders invite those willing and able to join in a fasting...
Seek Jesus—A Fasting Experience
Now–April 18
Traducción en español Wednesday, March 5–Good Friday, April 18 Pastor Matthew and the elders invite those willing and able to join in a fasting...
Now–April 18
Viernes, 6:30–7:30pm, Sala de Conferencias Aprenda inglés mientras aprende más sobre la Biblia. Esta clase ofrece instrucción práctica en...
Cada Viernes
Sunday, March 30, 12–1:30pm, Family Center A 4225 Gettysburg Ave N, New Hope, MN 55428 Make new friends at our quarterly Mosaic Fellowship. Let's come together to...
Sunday, March 30
Tuesdays, April 1–May 6, 1:30–3pm, Parent Child Room Widowhood changes everything. What used to be taken for granted and was comfortable is now gone. The road...
Tuesdays, April 1–May 6
Wednesday, April 9, 6:30–8pm, Family Center Around the Table is a unique event designed to give you a "taste" of Passover. Immerse yourselves in a broad retelling of the...
Wednesday, April 9
Saturday, April 12, 9–11:30am, meet at HopeBridge We are uniting with churches around our nation for the National Prayer Walk (CRU Inner City Expansion). Our goal is to...
Saturday, April 12
Disability Ministry exists to glorify God by bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to the special needs community. We believe every person is created in the image of...
Donate Prizes: April 13–May 4
2nd Mondays, 6:30–8pm, Worship Center Join Pastor Matthew as we enter a time of scripture-fed, Spirit-led, worship-based corporate prayer. Inspired by Psalm...
2nd Mondays
en Español Good Friday: April 18 English: 6:30pm, Worship Center or livestreamKids programs for birth–pre-k Present in the Pain. A worship and prayer gathering...
April 18 & 20
Mondays, April 28–June 30, NHC Conquerors is a support program that offers both one-on-one mentoring and group session designed to deal with the pain and difficulties...
Mondays, April 28–June 30
All Peoples May 4–June 16 This spring, we host an "All Peoples" Art Gallery. Our theme verse is 1 John 1:7, "If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have...
May 4–June 16