Embracing the Journey Through Change

Throughout my career there have been two constants that I could count on—the presence of the Lord leading and guiding (when I’m obedient enough to listen) and change. Ugh . . . who likes change? Change is often difficult. Whether it’s changing a habit or attitude, job or city, change can be challenging and is even more difficult when it’s imposed suddenly or without approval.
There is always an element of pain in change, even when it’s good. The Bible is filled with stories of people who had to experience the pain associated with change in order to receive the blessings it brought to their lives. Abraham comes to mind in Genesis 12:1–3. God commanded him to leave his friends and family and all that was comfortable and familiar so that he and his descendants could be blessed for generations to come.
Care Ministries is no exception to experiencing change. Over the years, dear friends have come and gone due to retirement or for new assignments given by God. While losing these godly leaders is tough, the experiences serve as reminders that the Lord’s work must continue and it does not belong to any particular person. These circumstances also provide opportunities for us to trust and draw closer to Him as He brings new leaders with fresh perspectives and ideas.
It is in this spirit that God has called Julie Andersen to serve as the new Care Coordinator here at New Hope Church. Julie comes to us from Trinity EFCA in Lakeville where she served as director of Care, Life Groups and Children’s Ministries for more than 25 years. She also serves on the board of directors for the North Central District. She and her husband, Bob, have been married for 37 years, have five adult children and soon-to-have 18 grandchildren.
When asked about her Abraham-like change, Julie replied, “I will never forget the friends and relationships I made at Trinity. While that journey has ended, I feel equipped and ready to embrace the new journey God has before me. I am passionate about meeting people where they are, praying for and with them, listening, encouraging and providing Christ-centered support.”
Care Ministries exists to embrace the New Hope Church family and neighbors through prayer and compassionate care that roots and strengthens them in Jesus. Within her role as Care Coordinator, Julie is the first point of contact for all matters related to Care, including weddings, funerals, visitation, benevolence and counseling referrals. We are so blessed as a church family to have staff and volunteers who not only care about your spiritual health, but you as a whole person.
Ryan Fair is Executive Director at New Hope Church. He is primarily responsible for supervising and shepherding staff-level directors for care mentors, care support groups, disability, senior adults, prayer, financial health, funerals, visitation and health.