Giving is Greater

Contradicting the world, Jesus declared, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” What happens when His followers take these words to heart? As the Knitters & Stitchers team gives away their hand-made items, they get to experience this joy first hand!
Here are some responses to the generosity of the Knitters & Stitchers team:
- “I can’t believe someone who doesn’t know me would take the time to make me a hat.”
- “I’ve never had a hat before.”
- “I chose a blue hat to match my blue hair!”
Local teenagers wrote these heartfelt notes to our team. Every item donated bears a label with the words: “Jesus said, ‘Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.’ We express our love to you in this handmade gift.”
The love of Jesus expressed through these gifts accomplishes wonders. The coordinator of volunteers at Hennepin County
Social Services said “My volunteers cried when they saw the quilts. It made them feel like you value what they do.”
I’ve also seen improved self-esteem as people engage in meaningful acts of kindness. In 2016, we took Knitters & Stitches “on the road” to the North Park Plaza low-income apartment for seniors. The residents were invited to knit hats or crochet scarves to help children in the community keep warm as we create an opening to share the love of Jesus.
Weekly meetings begin with devotions and prayer before working on projects. Members also work from home. The Lord has been faithful to provide what we need through donations of cotton fabric and acrylic yarn.
Donate supplies or join the team at HopeBridge
Tuesdays, 1–3pm & 2nd Thursdays, 9am–12pm
Cassie Davison Bair is Community Outreach Director at New Hope Church. Much of her free time is spent with her family and outdoor activities. She loves how, as we tend to the needs of our neighbor, we open the doors to relationships where gospel centered conversations can naturally flow.