Make a New Start in Life Groups

“We served in Sunday school for more than 25 years and never got plugged into a mini congregation and never got to know folks our own age. We quickly learned that there were many other couples in the same boat as us.” This is how one couple responded to their recent connection with Life Groups. They’re now building community with others.
Human relationships are broken due to the consequences of sin (Genesis 4). In the context of Life Groups we see brokenness show up in a variety of ways as we all come from diverse backgrounds and experiences in life. Yet, God uses these groups as a place where community, accountability, blessing and service can work together to bring healing, growth and wholeness.
Life Groups provide an opportunity to grow deeper with God and one another. This is an environment designed to celebrate Christ through prayer, worship, Bible study and real-life application of God’s Word. Living as a Christ-centered community allows us to overcome ethnicity, language or personality differences. It's encouraging to find this taking place within these small groups.
The variety we see in people groups was God’s idea. He brings us together for His purposes as witnesses to His redemption. Whatever your background, every person involved in a Life Group brings positive and negative experiences that God wants to use for His glory. He uses our pain, dreams and hopes to make his name known. Helping individuals experience and work through brokenness is foundational to the gospel, making it also foundational to Life Groups (Hebrews 10:25).
Within Life Group communities, we all have the opportunity to contribute to our world through resources, time and talents, whether it’s across the street or around the world. You don’t have to wait for another Connection Night. Here are some easy ways for you to get connected right now:
• Find a group.
• As a host, open your home by cultivating a warm environment and showing the love of Christ.
• Facilitate a group. Explore your passion to love like Jesus by growing in biblical leadership skills.
Start praying about joining a Life Group today!
Pastor Pablo Cachon leads the New Hope Church Life Groups ministry. If you're interested in learning more about available groups, visit the group finder or fill out the online registration.
Learn more about Life Groups.