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    Here We Grow Again!

    08.27.18 | Heartbeat, Latinos | by Pablo Cachon

    A friend from California used to say, “Here we grow again.” This dear friend regularly shouted it out with excitement when it was evident that God was moving through life change. Latino Ministries is experiencing that kind of growth and we’re...

      Everyone's Watching

      08.27.18 | Heartbeat | by Matthew St. John

      Through the work of Jesus Christ, we sinners are reconciled to God. But a dramatic proof of this reconciling power is that people divided by ethnic, cultural, tribal and language differences with all of the complexities these imply can, in the...

        Summer With Intentionality

        05.14.18 | Heartbeat, Women | by Andrea Tyson

        Summer often has a different pace. You may find incredible opportunities to love and reach out to others differently. Many of our typical groups and rhythms give way to informal conversations with neighbors, walks with co-workers at lunch or...

          Keeping Your Focus This Summer

          05.14.18 | Heartbeat, Life Groups | by David Myles

          Warm weather is finally here and summer is just around the corner. We're looking forward to cookouts and a break from the grind of the school year. Summer often means slowing down and reenergizing from the craziness of a more structured schedule.

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