
We recognize there are ministry needs in every nation of the world, and each need is valid. However, New Hope Church Global Outreach prioritizes ministry needs among the larger unreached groups from what have been called THUMB peoples: Tribal, Hindu, Unreligious, Muslim and Buddhist.

We do this by partnering with individuals, churches and organizations who are making disciples among the THUMB peoples, teaching them to obey all that Jesus has commanded in obedience to the Great Commission.

At New Hope Church, we Expose, Educate and Engage our church family to make disciples locally and among unreached peoples. We strive to passionately pray, generously support and sacrificially collaborate with those discipling unreached peoples. In the same way, we hope to obey Christ with a similar passion and purpose in our own neighborhoods. 

We support more than 40 local and international disciple-makers working cross culturally or to neighboring unreached peoples in their own nations. Below you will find some ways to join the mission of God as part of New Hope Church.


Sign up for Go Newsour monthly global update with partner information, inspiring stories and prayer requests.
Behold the Days Are Coming—March 2025

Some of our partner agencies and networks:
Azerbaijani Partnership
Frontiers USA
Reach Global
East West



Resources are available for those looking to learn more about Global Outreach:

Xplore / Welcoming / Perspectives / Catalyst Services / Joshua Project / Via Nations / Missio Nexus / Sheep Among Wolves / Discipleship

Global Outreach staff can also give presentations to your group and are available for consultation.



Global Action Teams (GAT) support and encourage global partners on the field and on their return through prayer and logistical help.

Pray for our global partners and the nations they work in by watching Prayercast videos (different nations featured each month):

To talk about being a global partner, get more information or learn more about our global partners, contact Global Outreach.

Stories & Updates

God is moving in the hearts of people through our prayers, support and global workers in the field. Here are just a few stories of God at work:
Gulshen's Story
The Light of Christ in Kurdamir


To learn more or discuss possible involvement in any of these ministry opportunities, contact us.


Global Outreach or 763-536-3218