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    Giving is Greater

    11.14.17 | Heartbeat, Community Outreach | by Cassie Davison Bair

    Contradicting the world, Jesus declared, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” What happens when His followers take these words to heart? As the Knitters & Stitchers team gives away their hand-made items, they get to experience this...

      Gathering at the Manger

      11.14.17 | Disability, Heartbeat | by Kyle Davison Bair

      Why was Jesus’ manger such a crowded place? Around this one baby gathered a vast crowd: smelly shepherds from the fields, lavish stargazers from Babylon, faithful yet exhausted Mary and Joseph, and simple townsfolk from Bethlehem. It was a truly...

        Recovering Peace on Earth

        11.14.17 | Heartbeat, Prayer | by Kyle Davison Bair

        On the night the world forever changed, angels declared, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!” It is one of the great gifts of the gospel, the promise of peace on earth.
