Have you ever thought: “My Christian walk isn’t what I thought it would be?” Perhaps you’ve wondered, “Why isn’t God using me?” One common reason for these questions is that you may not be doing what you were designed to do as a Christian.
Stories are incredible tools giving shape to our lives. We need to craft them, enter into them and tell them well. We need to let God (re)shape our lives with narratives that stretch out to us from heaven.
As Christ-followers, we are heirs to the best story, the one God has written in Scripture and is continuing to write on the pages of our lives. Telling our stories allows us to embody the story of Scripture in a way that is compelling...
When’s the last time you received a heart-felt letter? It seems more and more a lost art. Maybe that’s why Judy Bauley’s letters to the seniors in our church community have found their way into many hearts. Ginny McMillan points out that Judy’s...
Patrick Sonaram had never been in a church. When a co-worker invited him to New Hope Church, he was reluctant, but her persistence won him over. He describes how his brokenness and even rebellion had left wounds which kept him from a life of faith.