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    Laku's Story

    11.02.22 | Global, Story | by Chris Jones

    In 2020, when New Hope Church began partnering with national evangelists, there were no known believers or churches among the Mangala people of India. None. Two years later, there are 2,000 believers and 28 churches out of roughly 2,500,000...

      Our Hero Satisfies

      08.24.21 | Story | by Mindy Christensen

      "In plenty, in hardship, in transition, in waiting, Jesus satisfies. Because of Jesus’ redemption and resurrection our souls can be completely satisfied." A beautiful story from the life of New Hope Church global partner, Mindy...

        Our Hero Heals

        08.05.21 | Story | by Chris Jones

        "God’s voice and the confirmation of His promise can heal something deep inside of us." A powerful story from the life of New Hope Church Global Outreach Director Chris Jones.

          Live on Purpose

          03.10.21 | Leadership, Spiritual Growth | by David Myles

          Time flies by. That's why the Psalmist says, “Teach us how short our life is, so that we may become wise” (Psalm 90:12). As you think about the next year and decade, are you prepared to live with purpose? You're not alone if you could use some help.

            Proximate Stories

            08.14.20 | Story

            Tired of the tensions swirling around our society? It seems that there's no shortage of outrage and ridicule. As believers, we're called to stand above the unkind, contentious and often hate-filled interactions displayed on social media and...

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