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    Homebound? You are Deeply Loved.

    05.28.19 | Care, Story | by Lisa Severson

    Remember the arctic freeze that hit the Midwest not so long ago? Like many Minnesotans, you may have been stuck at home for a few days. Whether you had a household of children home from school or were just avoiding dangerous commutes, you...

      They Only Spoke Lies

      03.27.19 | Story | by Jon Kimmel

      They only spoke lies, yet you said nothingYou just stood there and listened to their faithless lusting They mocked you as you bled and diedJoyfully beating you till you were undignified And here I sit, wondering who would take such a...

        What Do You Applaud or Complain About?

        11.20.18 | Heartbeat, Women | by Andrea Tyson

        The daily news, Facebook feeds and our own sinful hearts can make life feel chaotic and discouraging. So, where do you turn for hope? Try this: Stop and notice what you applaud and what you complain about. That’s a good barometer for whether your...

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