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    True Religion

    08.29.17 | Heartbeat, Latinos | by Pablo Cachon

    I often encounter people who’ve been turned off by religion. Typically, they’ve been worn down by a pragmatic approach to the gospel that makes it impossible to follow.

      Prayer Resolution Training

      08.29.17 | Heartbeat | by Kyle Davison Bair

      My wife and I bought a home. For the first time, we’ll have no landlord to take care of mowing, plumbing, painting and fixing. As residents, we’re the ones available to take care of this new home. To do that, we’re going to need tools.

        The Refugee Crisis: a Historic Opportunity

        08.29.17 | Heartbeat, Global

        “The world is converging right here in our city.” You may have heard Pastor Pablo Cachon say this in a recent message. This truth is on display in Minneapolis as well as in Beirut, Lebanon. Get involved in one of NHC’s responses to the challenge

          Prison Ministry: a Front Row Seat

          08.29.17 | Heartbeat | by Jim Janick

          Two years ago, prison ministry was not on my radar. Even after my wife, Sue, began teaching an art class and Bible study at the Hennepin County jail, I never personally thought of joining the ministry. I was happily serving at the NHC Food Shelf...

            God is an Artist

            07.31.17 | Creative Arts, Story | by Lisa Severson

            Teamwork. This is a key to just about any project at New Hope Church. I’m so thankful for the talented people who make up our staff. Among those is our Creative Team that brings a wide array of experience from drawing, painting, graphic design...
